Situated along the water mains are hydrants that we use to refill trucks with water. Every year we try to maintain the hydrants that are in our area by clearing around them and marking their location. The marking is done with a blue cats eye along the centre of the road and a yellow H and arrow pointing to the hydrant. Hydrants are also marked on telegraph poles by a white sign with red or green lettering. The HP sign indicates a hydrant on the path, whereas an HR sign indicates a hydrant on the road. A green H indicates that the hydrant is on the other side of the pole.
We also test the hydrant to make sure they are working. The hydrants are very important, especially if we are at a house or car fire where we need lots of water. If we are unable to locate one close to the incident this impacts on our ability to fight the fire.
If you have a hydrant on your nature strip or outside your house you can help out by ensuring that the hydrant is not overgrown by mowing and edging around it (spraying weedkiller around the concrete base will help with this).
When we are marking and testing the hydrants we are working on the roads so for safety we use two vehicles with flashing lights and position a member before and after the work are to watch for traffic. If you see us please take care and slow down as you pass us.
During our testing of the hydrants we occasionally come across a leaking hydrant which is reported to Sydney Water to be fixed as soon as possible. If you see a leaking hydrant call Sydney Water on 13 20 90 to report it.
There's a hydrant in there!
Sign on telegraph pole
Blue cats eye
Cleared and painted hydrant
Testing water flow from hydrant