Arcadia Brigade held our COVID Safe AGM in August and we’ve had some changes amongst the ranks. 

Arcadia has had a changing of the stripes. Our captain since 2014 has stepped down, but not too far, thank you Dave for your years of leadership, it has been greatly valued within the brigade and the community, and congratulations on becoming our new Senior Deputy Captain. Arcadia's newest Captain who has been in the service for 26 years has held the position once before, congratulations Mike. The brigade is looking forward to working with and learning from you. 

The 2020 AGM has also seen Grant Paisley step into his new role as a Deputy Captain, well done Grant. It is always great to congratulate all the members that have continued or taken up new positions and we look forward to the year ahead!

If you would like to find out more about being part of the brigade, we would love to hear from you, please contact:

In September, the brigade will be holding a bush fire readiness street meeting for our local community. We unfortunately had to postpone our previously scheduled street meeting in Fiddletown due to operational activities.

When: Saturday 12th September 


Time: 11AM - 1PM 

Specifically, this street meeting will:

  • Provide information to assist you in implementing your BUSH FIRE SURVIVAL PLAN.

  • Assist you in your decision-making process of what to do in the event of a bush fire – LEAVE EARLY or STAY & DEFEND

  • Provide you with the opportunity to learn practical bush fire preparation and protection skills

Meet our volunteers and find out about your local brigade and follow Arcadia Brigade & NSWRFS on Facebook. In the case of rain, meeting will be postponed. Covid-19 procedures will be followed, if you are feeling unwell please stay at home.