Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade est. 1941
August News 2020
While COVID has dominated much of what has been happening in the past months, this has also been true for the brigade, however we have continued to provide the essential emergency response to incidents while practicing social distancing and cleaning of all equipment once we have finished. Read More Here.
June News 2020
Whilst following strict procedures in response to Covid-19, brigades around the district have been undertaking essential hazard reduction preparation work to ensure these prescribed burns can be done within ideal weather perimeters. In May many crews from NSW RFS Hills and Hornsby districts, and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services (NSW NPWS), participated in the Laybury's hazard reduction in Canoelands, north of Glenorie. This was a large burn, 761 ha, that was completed successfully over two days. Read More Here.
May News 2020
We have since left the Bush Fire Danger Period of 2019/2020 and have experienced that sought-after rain that has reinvigorated our surrounding land. Each year the message stays the same, do not become complacent and to use this time to continue property preparations for bush fires and ember attack, continue working on and improving fire safety plans. Read More Here.
Never rely on the Arcadia Rural Fire Service website in the event of an emergency
Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade - 127x Arcadia Rd - Arcadia 2159 - NSW - Tel: 02 9655 1656